Hear from Thyrm staff and subject matter experts. We’ll share our experience, reviews, creative ideas, and opinions here.
Level Up with Thyrm’s Recommended Trainers
The THYRM crew believes in the importance of training, and we’ve engaged in plenty of it. Over the years, we’ve traveled across the country to learn from the best trainers. Class subjects include carbine, pistol, [...]
The Three Best Locations for Spare Battery Storage
Don't let your light go dark halfway through that heart-pounding building search, intense patrol shift or wild wilderness adventure. In this blog, Thyrm presents the three best locations for spare battery storage. Here's how to [...]
Getting the Most out of Your Night Vision Course
As a product designer for Thyrm for the last 8 years I’ve been fortunate enough to attend well over a dozen low-light and night vision courses taught by different instructors at various venues. Here’s what [...]